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Rabu, 19 Juni 2013
Operasi perbesar Payudara
Artikel ini khusus buat temen2 yang about to undertake breast augmentation alias operasi buat membesarkan payudara
menurut salah satu dokter langgananku, beliau seorang surgeon yang bekerja di salah satu top rumah sakit swasta yang sudah melanglang buana ke mana2 untuk memperbaiki teknik operasinya. aku percaya banget ama dia, soalnya udah banyak buktinya dari mulai ibu2 pejabat, istri simpanan pejabat sampe selebriti papan atas yang mukanya sudah dirombak sesuai keinginan pribadi masing2 dan hasilnya bagus banget, hidung hasilnya rata2 bagus banget, bersih clean cut, gak keciri hasil operasi, kalo untuk payudara katanya masih jarang soalnya masih agak tabu .. tapi kalo operasi hidung hampir tiap hari, bahkan sekarang bahkan yang masih muda dari mulai mahasiswa sampe anak sma tentunya yang berduit sudah mulai trend hidung mancung... membuat dirinya semakin sibuk tiap harinya untuk mempercantik dunia one woman at the time.
Pas waktu diundang ke party-nya dia di salah satu penthouse apartment di jakarta, banyak banget cerifikatnya dia dari graduation-nya dia pas kuliah di amerika sampe sertifikasi2 lainnya dipajang di entrance penthous. aku bingung.. kok orang seganteng dia, sekaya dia kok masih single...? ternyata eh ternyata.. pas aku ke party ketemulah diriku sama pacar-nya seorang cowok yang bekerja di salah satu hotel papan atas di jakarta.. ya emang konsep gay masih agak rawan di indo ..
aduh.. kok ngelantur kemana2..
Anyway.. lets talk about perbesar payudara..
ada sich.. pengen.. kepengenan.. gue mau operasi plastik.. abis dadaku kecil.. mau ditambahin agak besar.. yach.. gak sampe double D atau DDD cuma naik beberapa ukuran aja. tapi budgetna ga nyukupin kakak...
Untuk biayanya tergantung keputusan mau ngambil operasinya dimana? negaranya? pilihan RSnya? pilih dokternya?overall, mulai dari 30-an sampe ratusan juta
Senin, 17 Juni 2013
Tempat Spa di jakarta | Spa at the Four Season Hotel Jakarta
Tempat Spa di Jakarta |Spa at The Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta
Spa di jakarta | Daftar spa di jakarta | spa di four season Hotel
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said South Jakarta Tel: +62 21 252 3456 ext 7880

Treatment yang tersedia:
Pilihan treatmen dan price list-nya:
Note: Prices and treatments are subject to change without notice. Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 11% government tax.
Spa di jakarta | Daftar spa di jakarta | spa di four season Hotel
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said South Jakarta Tel: +62 21 252 3456 ext 7880
Tel.62 (21) 252-3456
Treatment yang tersedia:
Pilihan treatmen dan price list-nya:
Note: Prices and treatments are subject to change without notice. Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 11% government tax.
Ginger dan Hibiscus skin energizer (30 Minutes) 375,000 IDR
Mandarin dan Crysanthenum Body Sorbet 30 Minutes - 375,000 IDR
Zen Zone Ritual ( Individual: 2½ Hours - 1,050,000 IDR -Couple 2½ Hours - 1,950,000 IDR)
Energy Boost body treatment 60 Minutes - 540,000 IDR
Energy boost ritual (Individual: 2½ Hours - 1,050,000 IDR- Couple: 2½ Hours - 1,950,000 IDR)
City Escape Body Treatment 60 Minutes - 540,000 IDR
City Escape Ritual (Individual: 2½ Hours - 1,050,000 IDR - Couple 2½ Hours - 1,950,000 IDR )
Traditional lulur 120 Minutes - 780,000 IDR
Simply slim 120 Minutes - 1,050,000 IDR
Definetily detok 120 Minutes - 1,050,000
Mandarin dan Crysanthenum Body Sorbet 30 Minutes - 375,000 IDR
Zen Zone Ritual ( Individual: 2½ Hours - 1,050,000 IDR -Couple 2½ Hours - 1,950,000 IDR)
Energy Boost body treatment 60 Minutes - 540,000 IDR
Energy boost ritual (Individual: 2½ Hours - 1,050,000 IDR- Couple: 2½ Hours - 1,950,000 IDR)
City Escape Body Treatment 60 Minutes - 540,000 IDR
City Escape Ritual (Individual: 2½ Hours - 1,050,000 IDR - Couple 2½ Hours - 1,950,000 IDR )
Traditional lulur 120 Minutes - 780,000 IDR
Simply slim 120 Minutes - 1,050,000 IDR
Definetily detok 120 Minutes - 1,050,000
Note: Prices and treatments are subject to change without notice. Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 11% government tax.
Pilihan Treatment dan price listnya
Pure Facial 60 Minutes - 625,000 IDR
Enzyme facial 60 Minutes - 625,000 IDR
Luminous facial 90 Minutes - 800,000 IDR
Gentleman Facial 60 Minutes - 625,000 IDR
Back polish facial 45 Minutes - 370,000 IDR
Pure Facial 60 Minutes - 625,000 IDR
Enzyme facial 60 Minutes - 625,000 IDR
Luminous facial 90 Minutes - 800,000 IDR
Gentleman Facial 60 Minutes - 625,000 IDR
Back polish facial 45 Minutes - 370,000 IDR
Anti Ageing facial 90 Minutes - 850,000 IDR
Salon HAIR SERVICES (Every day 9:00 am – 9:00 pm)
Men’s haircut IDR 255,000
Women’s haircut IDR 315,000
Children's haircut IDR 145,000
Fringe cut IDR 70,000
Cream conditioning IDR 315,000
Traditional oil treatment IDR 315,000
Blow-dry iron IDR 175,000
Blow-dry regular IDR 160,000
Hair-styling/bun IDR 205,000
Hair colour ( Long Hair – IDR 585,000 - Medium Hair – IDR 475,000 -Short Hair – IDR 350,000)
Highlights ( Single – IDR 50,000, Half-head – IDR 650,000, Full-Head – IDR 825,000)
Men’s haircut IDR 255,000
Women’s haircut IDR 315,000
Children's haircut IDR 145,000
Fringe cut IDR 70,000
Cream conditioning IDR 315,000
Traditional oil treatment IDR 315,000
Blow-dry iron IDR 175,000
Blow-dry regular IDR 160,000
Hair-styling/bun IDR 205,000
Hair colour ( Long Hair – IDR 585,000 - Medium Hair – IDR 475,000 -Short Hair – IDR 350,000)
Highlights ( Single – IDR 50,000, Half-head – IDR 650,000, Full-Head – IDR 825,000)
Toning IDR 475,000
Hair smoothing Long Hair – IDR 825,000
Medium Hair – IDR 650,000
Make-up IDR 440,000
Make-up and hair-do IDR 550,000
MINT OIL TREATMENT 60 Minutes - 315,000 IDR
CREAM MUD HAIR MASK 60 Minutes - 315,000 IDR
NAIL SERVICES Manicure IDR 200,000 - Pedicure IDR 245,000
Eyebrow/upper lip IDR 130,000
Bikini/underarm IDR 205,000
Half arm IDR 220,000
Full arm IDR 250,000
Half leg IDR 270,000
Full leg IDR 320,000
Chest/stomach/upper back/lower back IDR 190,000
Brazilian IDR 295,000
Note: Prices and treatments are subject to change without notice. Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 11% government tax.
Hair smoothing Long Hair – IDR 825,000
Medium Hair – IDR 650,000
Make-up IDR 440,000
Make-up and hair-do IDR 550,000
MINT OIL TREATMENT 60 Minutes - 315,000 IDR
CREAM MUD HAIR MASK 60 Minutes - 315,000 IDR
NAIL SERVICES Manicure IDR 200,000 - Pedicure IDR 245,000
Eyebrow/upper lip IDR 130,000
Bikini/underarm IDR 205,000
Half arm IDR 220,000
Full arm IDR 250,000
Half leg IDR 270,000
Full leg IDR 320,000
Chest/stomach/upper back/lower back IDR 190,000
Brazilian IDR 295,000
Note: Prices and treatments are subject to change without notice. Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 11% government tax.
Tempat spa di jakarta : Spa di premiere Clinique jakarta
Premiere Clinique
Tempat spa di jakarta | daftar tempat spa di jakarta @ premiere Clinique
Jl. Mataram No. 12 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 10120 | Tel: (62-21) 7210945 | Fax: (62-21) 7220299

Treatmen yang tersedia:
Premiere Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Rejuvenation

Micro-needle Rejuvenation
Intimate Rejuvenation Package:
Khusus ditargetkan untuk mengembalikan keindahan intim Anda, perawatan ini termasuk consulations pribadi dengan dokter kandungan kami, "Cinta-Quotient" penilaian, ozonitation-terapi, stimulasi listrik untuk memperkuat otot-otot kemampuan kontraksi kegel Anda dan serangkaian latihan dasar panggul dipandu oleh pelatih profesional.
Tempat spa di jakarta | daftar tempat spa di jakarta @ premiere Clinique
Jl. Mataram No. 12 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 10120 | Tel: (62-21) 7210945 | Fax: (62-21) 7220299
Treatmen yang tersedia:
Premiere Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Rejuvenation
Banyak selebriti holywood yang memanfaatkan treatmen ini termasuk kim kadarshian, giselle dan masih banyak lagi.. dikenal dengan nama vamipe spa/ spa pake darah sendiritreatment mutakhir yang memanfaatkan darah 'pasien sendiri yang telah diolah dan kembali diperkenalkan ke dalam kulit pasien sendiri. PRP disertai dengan berbagai faktor pertumbuhan, yang saat disuntikkan ke kulit pasien akan menyebabkan epidermis batang-sel migrasi yang mengarah ke proliferasi kolagen kulit sendiri, menghilangkan kerutan yang tidak diinginkan, membuat kulit tampak lebih kencang, lebih kenyal dan awet muda. Meskipun, serangkaian pengobatan direkomendasikan, hasilnya biasanya dapat dilihat setelah prosedur tunggal.
Chemical Peels
Serangkaian perawatan kulit dimaksudkan untuk tampak memperbaiki struktur kulit diobati dengan aplikasi eksternal larutan kimia. bekerja hanya dengan mempercepat proses alami pengelupasan kulit. Jenis-jenis bahan kimia kulit dilakukan akan disesuaikan oleh dokter estetika kami berdasarkan pengalaman klinis yang luas dan praktek yang sesuai dengan berbagai kebutuhan dermatologis masing-masing individu.
Micro-tusuk jarum, juga lebih dikenal sebagai Dermaroller ™ adalah pengobatan yang ideal untuk masalah kulit seperti bekas jerawat, kulit menua, stretch mark, dll Micro-tusuk jarum adalah prosedur inovatif untuk perbaikan kulit yang bekerja dengan Kolagen Induksi-Therapy ( CIT) dan digunakan dalam kombinasi dengan serum wajah.
Kosmetik Akupunktur
Akupunktur merupakan pengobatan yang efektif, non-bedah berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip Pengobatan Cina yang melibatkan penyisipan sangat tipis sekali pakai untuk mengurangi tanda-tanda penuaan. Jarum di acupnucture kosmetik dimasukkan ke titik-titik akupunktur di wajah. Ini penyisipan dangkal akan meningkatkan sirkulasi lokal ke wajah dan merangsang produksi kolagen, yang akan mengisi baris dan memberikan ketegasan pada kulit untuk sehat, kulit bersinar. Hal ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mengobati masalah lain seperti eyebag berlebihan, jerawat, bintik-bintik gelap, penumpukan lemak yang berlebihan.
Intimate Rejuvenation Package:
Khusus ditargetkan untuk mengembalikan keindahan intim Anda, perawatan ini termasuk consulations pribadi dengan dokter kandungan kami, "Cinta-Quotient" penilaian, ozonitation-terapi, stimulasi listrik untuk memperkuat otot-otot kemampuan kontraksi kegel Anda dan serangkaian latihan dasar panggul dipandu oleh pelatih profesional.
Microlaser (Computer Aided Cosmetology Instrument) Facial
Sebuah terapi suportif untuk sclupt tubuh Anda di daerah masalah tertentu seperti pipi tembem, dagu ganda, pot-perut, paha lemak tanpa menyebabkan penurunan berat badan yang berlebihan secara keseluruhan. Lipofit ™ berasal dari ekstrak alami seperti laminaria digitata dan gliserin, dll yang bekerja secara sinergis dengan memicu enzim lipase tubuh sendiri yang mengarah ke degradasi lemak lokal.
Perawatan wajah Komprehensif memanfaatkan CACI (Computer Aided Kosmetologi Instrumen) yang menggunakan arus mikro kecil, yang membantu untuk nada, mengangkat dan re-edukasi otot kembali ke posisi semula. Menerapkan CACI microlaser wajah ke rejimen kecantikan rutin Anda akan membangun kembali ketegasan yang tepat dari otot Anda kendur yang pada gilirannya menghilangkan penampilan kulit kendor melalui prosedur non-bedah. CACI stimulasi dalam kombinasi dengan Dermatics disesuaikan kami ™ serum wajah juga bekerja pada peningkatan jaringan kulit seperti: jerawat jaringan parut, noda, kulit rusak karena sinar matahari, kulit kering-dehidrasi, kulit berminyak bermasalah. Hal ini juga melembutkan garis, kerutan dan bekerja untuk umum memperbaiki tekstur kulit dan nada.
Sebuah terapi suportif untuk sclupt tubuh Anda di daerah masalah tertentu seperti pipi tembem, dagu ganda, pot-perut, paha lemak tanpa menyebabkan penurunan berat badan yang berlebihan secara keseluruhan. Lipofit ™ berasal dari ekstrak alami seperti laminaria digitata dan gliserin, dll yang bekerja secara sinergis dengan memicu enzim lipase tubuh sendiri yang mengarah ke degradasi lemak lokal.
Perawatan wajah Komprehensif memanfaatkan CACI (Computer Aided Kosmetologi Instrumen) yang menggunakan arus mikro kecil, yang membantu untuk nada, mengangkat dan re-edukasi otot kembali ke posisi semula. Menerapkan CACI microlaser wajah ke rejimen kecantikan rutin Anda akan membangun kembali ketegasan yang tepat dari otot Anda kendur yang pada gilirannya menghilangkan penampilan kulit kendor melalui prosedur non-bedah. CACI stimulasi dalam kombinasi dengan Dermatics disesuaikan kami ™ serum wajah juga bekerja pada peningkatan jaringan kulit seperti: jerawat jaringan parut, noda, kulit rusak karena sinar matahari, kulit kering-dehidrasi, kulit berminyak bermasalah. Hal ini juga melembutkan garis, kerutan dan bekerja untuk umum memperbaiki tekstur kulit dan nada.
Kehamilan Glowing Facial
Perawatan wajah, yang dirancang untuk membersihkan wajah dengan menggunakan kombinasi premium Dermatics produk perawatan kulit ™, Brown gula chemical peeling, ekstraksi komedo profesional dan produk kecantikan kehamilan aman lainnya. Ini perawatan kecantikan termasuk leher santai dan pijat wajah yang akan menjaga jelas, diremajakan dan bercahaya kulit sepanjang ini saat khusus dan lembut hidup Anda.
Perawatan wajah, yang dirancang untuk membersihkan wajah dengan menggunakan kombinasi Dermatics ™ produk perawatan kulit premium, Brown sugar chemical peeling, ekstraksi komedo profesional, potensi tinggi vitamin C dan anti-oksidan serum dan masker wajah disesuaikan. Ini perawatan kecantikan termasuk leher santai dan pijat wajah yang akan memastikan bahwa kulit yang jelas, diremajakan dan bersinar setiap pasien dipancarkan.
Minggu, 16 Juni 2013
Tempat spa di jakarta : Spa di Graha Bimasena
Ngaku dech ... aku emang doyan spa.. abis enak sich.. abis spa badan seger, bersih, relax dan bawaanya seneng happy gitu loh...
1. Graha Bimasena
Jl. Dharmawangsa Raya No. 39 Kebayoran Baru South Jakarta Tel: +62 21 725 8668
Banyak banget tempat spa di jakarta, yang aku dah cobain baru sedikit... masih banyak tempat lain yang harus dijajali ha ha ha more places to go ha ha ha
dari yang mulai standard spa ampe yang pake specialty....
1. Graha Bimasena
Jl. Dharmawangsa Raya No. 39 Kebayoran Baru South Jakarta Tel: +62 21 725 8668
Spa Treatmen meliputi : Spa seperti perawatan kulit, terapi pijat, perawatan tubuh, perawatan hidroterapi, paket spa, Spa Wedding Package, waxing, manikur dan pedikur, pijat refleksi, perawatan rambut, party dan bridal make up. Specialty treatment meliputi :The Chocolate Treatment, Kaviar dan Escutox wajah, vitalitas wajah, Cashmere Murni dan Silk Body Treatment, The Romantic Retreat dan The Hot Stone Massage.
The Bimasena Spa menu and Price List
CLASSIC FACIAL (60 - 75 minutes) 500 K
GENTLEMAN`S FACIAL (60 minutes) 500 K
AQUAMARINE FACIAL (60 minutes) 535 K
GOLDEN CAV IAR FACIAL (75 minutes) 685 K
ALPHA-V ITAL FACIAL (60 minutes) 810 K
ANTI AGEING EYE & LIP CONTOUR (50 minutes) 470 K
Traditional Indonesian Massage (60 minutes) 340 K
Traditional Indonesian Massage (90 minutes) 460 K
In-room Massage for 60 Minutes 415 K
In-room Massage for 90 Minutes 595 K
Anti Stress massage (30 minutes) 185 K
Hot stone massage (60 minutes) 355 K
Hot stone massage (90 minutes) 480 K
Aromatherapy massage (90 minutes) 475 K
Ayus lomi (90 minutes) 1,125 K
Reflexiology (60 minutes), 237 K
Reflexology (90 minutes) 325 K
Foot massage (30 Minutes) By POOL 125 K
Body Glow (30 minutes) 200 K
Dharmawangsa mandi lulur (75 minutes) 400 K
The chocolate treatment (2.5 hours - Single 1,500 -Couple 2,350 )
Jet effusion Shower (20 minutes) 250K
Hydrotherapy bath (20 minutes) 250 K
Scotch shower (20 minutes) 250 K
Classic Manicure plus (60 minutes) 295K
Classic Pedicure plus (60 minutes) 325 K
FRENCH MANICURE (60 minutes) 305K
FRENCH PEDICURE (60 minutes) 345K
Eye brow or Upper lip 100
Underarm 115
Bikini line 130
Half arm 140
Full arm 175
Half Leg 185
Full leg 230
Full Bikini 250
Full Face 250
Back 280
Brazilian 218
Neck and Shoulder 150
Elegant Private Room located on the Spa level complete with individual in-room Sauna,
Steam bath and Whirlpool. Available for Half-day or Full-day with minimum
treatment/s of Rp. 500.000 nett.
Half-day: 1jt
Full day: 1,3jt
SPA SAMPLER (2,45 hours) 895K
• Body Polish
• Hydrotherapy Treatment
• Traditional Massage
• Manicure or Pedicure
• Lunch at The Dining Room
• Sauna, Steam, and Whirlpool
SPA SERENITY (2,45 hours) 1,3jt
• Body Polish
• Hydrotherapy Treatment
• Classic Facial
• Manicure or Pedicure
• Lunch at The Dining Room
• Sauna, Steam, and Whirlpool
• Traditional Massage
• Hydrotherapy Treatment
• Sauna, Steam, and Whirlpool
• Body Polish
• Hydrotherapy Treatment
• Traditional Massage
• Classic Facial
• Manicure or Pedicure
• Light Meal at The Dining Room
• Sauna, Steam and Whirlpool
• Traditional Massage for two
• Hydrotherapy Treatments for two
• Classic Facial for two
• Manicure or Pedicure for two
• Light Meal at The Dining Room for two
• Sauna, Steam, and Whirlpool
• Half-Day Spa Private Suite
• Bimasena Mandi Lulur
• Classic Facial
• Traditional Indonesian Massage
• Cream Bath
• Manicure and Pedicure
• Sauna, Steam, and Whirlpool
• Full-Day Spa Private Suite
• Herbal Drink Jamu Kunyit Asem
CELLULITE TREATMENT (90 minutes) 675 K
Collagen Creambath
Cream bath Collagen for Medium Hair 180
Cream bath Collagen for Long Hair 210
Hair Cut man 150
Hair Cut woman 210
Hair Cut Kids 150
Hair Cut Fringe 90
Blow Dry ( Blow Dry 150 - Dry Only 82)
Styling 180
Chignon 240
Make up 350
Hair coloring (Short 535- Medium 725- Long 1,000)
Root Colors 535
Service Coloring (Coloring products purchased from Bimasena Salon only) 235
Hair Highlights (Short 675- Medium 900- Long 1,350)
Bride and Groom make up 6,500
*All prices are in thousand Rupiah and subject to 21% Government tax and service charg
Jumat, 14 Juni 2013
Many people don’t realize that your skin, which is the body's largest organ, works as an active barrier regulating the relationship between the external environment and your body. The passage of elements through your skin is a24/7 process. Among the substances it regulates are air, chemicals, drugs and perspiration. In addition to this regulation, your skin plays a vital role in your health and well-being and serves many functions:
1. Helps to regulate body temperature
2. Protects against injury
What you need to know to care for your skin:
Good skin care, which includes practices such as cleansing, moisturization and sun protection, can help delay the natural aging process and prevent many skin problems. Good skin care should be considered a daily routine that is practiced throughout your life time. It is as important as brushing your teeth or taking a shower. There are five main components to a healthy skin care routine:
Cleanse and moisturize daily.
Your skin accumulates a daily dose of dirt and grime simply from your routine activities. If you’re outdoors for a good part of the day, or if you’re in an occupation that causes you to perspire a lot, you will want to make sure to shower or bathe everyday. The only exception to this good practice is if you’re under a doctor’s care for a skin condition that may not respond well to daily bathing. If this is the case consult with your doctor.
Your skin has an important layer of natural oils called the lipid belayed that can easily be stripped away by very hot showers or baths. So try to use lukewarm water and a gentle skin cleanser. Resist the urge to take a steamy hot shower or bath on a freezing cold day. The use of non-soap cleansing bars and lotions is excellent for sensitive skin.
When you emerge from your bath or shower, don’t rub your skin vigorously. Rather, pat dry and apply a moisturizer within five minutes. The use of an effective moisturizer helps to lock in a precious layer of hydration.
Wash your face twice a day. You may be tempted to wash more often especially if you have oily skin, but don’t. Once again, you will be removing too much of your skin’s lipid layer and your skin may actually try to compensate by producing more oil. Instead of frequent washing, try splashing cool water on your face when you feel the urge to wash, and pat dry gently. The use of blotting tissues can also help eliminate that “oily” feeling from areas such as your forehead or the “T” zone, the area running down the centre of your face.
Do use a moisturizer regularly. Moisturizing is necessary for everyone, even if you have oily skin. Moisturizers help maintain your skin's natural moisture levels. The moisturizer that's best for you and the frequency with which you need to use it depends on many factors, including your skin type, your age and whether you have specific conditions such as acne, dry skin, oily skin or atopic dermatitis.
Select a moisturizer with an SPF of 15 to help protect your skin from the sun. If you have sensitive skin, look for sunscreens with natural physical sunscreen ingredients such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Look for products that are fragrance-free.
Block the sun
Invisible rays from the sun, called ultraviolet rays, often referred to as UVA and UVB, have been shown to lead to the development of wrinkles, hyper-pigmentation, age spots, and potentially pre-cancerous or cancerous growths. In order to avoid these harmful rays you need to:
- Limit sun exposure during high intensity hours. Reduce the time you spend outdoors during the hours between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is when the sun's rays are the most damaging.
- Use sunscreen. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) greater than 15. Apply liberally 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every two hours, after heavy sweating or after being in water. If you are going to be outside for an extended period of time, use a sunscreen with a higher SPF. If you are a water-lover, look for a sunscreen that says it’s waterproof on the label.
- Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with clothing. Keep in mind that certain clothing styles and fabrics, such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats, offer better protection from the sun than others. Since it may not be practical to be covered in long sleeves and pants in the warmer weather months, make sure to apply liberal amounts of sunscreen to all exposed areas.
- Don’t ignore incidental sun exposure. Incidental sun exposure is what you get from walking the dog on a sunny day, driving in your car (glass does not protect the skin from UVA sun rays) or running errands. The sun is everywhere and can damage your skin.
- Don’t tan. It’s as simple as that. Tanning is bad for your skin and every year the number of people developing skin cancer grows. Opt for a great self-tanning product or go to a salon that offers “spray tans.” They’re safe and natural looking when used in moderation, but they do not offer sun protection. You still need to use a sunscreen.
Seek professional help for skin problems
Your skin is not going to be perfect. It may come close or be way off. It can be dry or oily. It can develop rashes, dry, itchy patches, scaliness and acne, among many other issues. Address the problem with a professional skin expert, a dermatologist is the best place to get help for skin problems.
Examine your skin
You should be the person who is most familiar with your skin. Every month you should examine your entire body to monitor for any changes. If you have a question or concern, it is best to call your dermatologist right away. These changes could range from a simple mole or rough patch to something as serious as skin cancer.
Get a professional body check once a year
Watch for changes in your skin and point them out as you see them develop. A professional skin check annually can help save your life, preventing potentially life-threatening skin cancers such as melanoma from advancing in depth and size. Since you can’t see the back of your body with great clarity, a skin check is a must. Melanomas often occur in men on their backs and upper arms, while women may develop them on the backs of their legs.
Don’t Smoke.
It is not good for your health and accelerates the aging process of your skin. It actually increases the potential for wrinkles. Your skin can show changes from smoking after only five years.
Suntik Kolagen | suntik Keriput
Suntik bibir kolagen | suntik keriput ama skin filler
Pernah dong denger ada temen2 kampus atau temen kantor atau temen2 arisan yang bisik2 mau suntik bibir atau suntik wajah . Biasanya prosedurnya yach bibir kita di injeski sama skin filler. kalo bibir kita keriput atau wajah keriput, diisi sama filler ini. prsedurnya gak lama, sama aja kaya mau suntik biasa cuma agak lama karena persiapannya dan ini kan suntik di wajah jadi agak diperhatikan semua aspeknya.. harga suntik bibir ama suntik keriput ini variasi yach harganya mulai dari puluhan juta rupiah, tergantung negara, lo mau suntik bibir atau keriput dimana? di indo apa di singapura atau luar negri kemana kek? terus rumah sakit mana? ama dokter sapa, specialist apa surgeon? Read more
What is a skin filler? Essentially, a skin filler is an injection of hyaluronic acid (HA). You may also have heard the process referred to as dermal fillers or injectables.
Hyaluronic acid or HA as it is sometimes called, is used extensively in topical skin preparations, but did you know it occurs naturally in the body? It’s a component of collagen and acts among other things as a space filler, a lubricant and scavenges free radicals, those nasty incomplete particles in the body that damage healthy cells and tissue.
HA retains water up to 1000 times its own weight, hence its ability to keep the skin looking smooth and fresh. We have higher levels of hyaluronic acid in our bodies when we are younger, but they decline as we get older. The result of which is skin that is dehydrated and prone to wrinkles.
Injections of hyaluronic acid give the best results when used to fill in deep lines and wrinkles and to plump out areas of the face such as the lips and cheeks. HA is less effective for superficial lines. It should be kept in mind that hyaluronic acid injections are not permanent. Depending on several factors including the HA agent used and the depth of the injections, you can reasonably expect the results to last from three to six months.
You shouldn’t need any time off work or your normal activities after a treatment. Some redness or bruising may occur after the procedure, but your practitioner will advise you both before and after your treatment. Men as well as women can benefit from this specialty facial treatment.
When performed by a qualified practitioner, injections of hyaluronic acid fillers as a facial treatment are both safe and effective. It should be noted that HA is not the same as Toxin.
What is a skin filler? Essentially, a skin filler is an injection of hyaluronic acid (HA). You may also have heard the process referred to as dermal fillers or injectables.
Hyaluronic acid or HA as it is sometimes called, is used extensively in topical skin preparations, but did you know it occurs naturally in the body? It’s a component of collagen and acts among other things as a space filler, a lubricant and scavenges free radicals, those nasty incomplete particles in the body that damage healthy cells and tissue.
HA retains water up to 1000 times its own weight, hence its ability to keep the skin looking smooth and fresh. We have higher levels of hyaluronic acid in our bodies when we are younger, but they decline as we get older. The result of which is skin that is dehydrated and prone to wrinkles.
Injections of hyaluronic acid give the best results when used to fill in deep lines and wrinkles and to plump out areas of the face such as the lips and cheeks. HA is less effective for superficial lines. It should be kept in mind that hyaluronic acid injections are not permanent. Depending on several factors including the HA agent used and the depth of the injections, you can reasonably expect the results to last from three to six months.
You shouldn’t need any time off work or your normal activities after a treatment. Some redness or bruising may occur after the procedure, but your practitioner will advise you both before and after your treatment. Men as well as women can benefit from this specialty facial treatment.
When performed by a qualified practitioner, injections of hyaluronic acid fillers as a facial treatment are both safe and effective. It should be noted that HA is not the same as Toxin.
Cara menghindari wrinke alias keriput
premature ageing gak dech...!
premature wrinkle... ichhh gak mau ach..!
Wrinke alias keriput merupakan proses alami tubuh manusia terutama wajah akibat proses penuaan. yach.. wrinkle emang ga bisa dihindari, ini rencanaku ntar kalo dah tua seumuran titiek puspa ntar aku mau suntik botok ama wrinke remover ke singapura atau ke dokter specialis di jakarta yang dah terbukti ampuh. sekarang nabung aja dulu ama rajin ke spa ama rajin facial...kalo udah tua banget macam seumuran nenek gue mach ga pa2 kali ada wrinkle, tapi kalo masih muda atau paruh baya.. gak mau dong...
Secara diriku kerja mati2an di kantor, stress, banyak project akibatnya wajah ikut2an stress..
Cara mencegah tua dini
ada banyak cara untuk mencegah penuaan dan keriput dini dini:.
Protect yourself from the sun
Premature ageing is often seen as unavoidable and a natural part of getting older; however, up to 90 per cent of the visible signs of ageing are caused by the sun, even though they may not show up until years after sun exposure has occurred. To help avoid premature ageing, wear an SPF of at least factor 15 every day (even on cloudy days as UV rays can penetrate clouds) and switch to a higher SPF when the sun is at its strongest.
Premature ageing is often seen as unavoidable and a natural part of getting older; however, up to 90 per cent of the visible signs of ageing are caused by the sun, even though they may not show up until years after sun exposure has occurred. To help avoid premature ageing, wear an SPF of at least factor 15 every day (even on cloudy days as UV rays can penetrate clouds) and switch to a higher SPF when the sun is at its strongest.
Cut down on sugar.. easy on the sugar darling..!
While the majority of premature ageing is caused by sun exposure, poor diets can also be to blame for wrinkles. Sugar is a staple of many people’s diets, yet is also a leading cause of skin ageing. When blood sugar levels are high a process called glycation occurs which damages the collagen in your skin. Once damaged, the collagen hardens, leading to wrinkles and sagging. To keep skin firm and smooth, make sure you check the sugar content of products and cut down on sugary foods.
While the majority of premature ageing is caused by sun exposure, poor diets can also be to blame for wrinkles. Sugar is a staple of many people’s diets, yet is also a leading cause of skin ageing. When blood sugar levels are high a process called glycation occurs which damages the collagen in your skin. Once damaged, the collagen hardens, leading to wrinkles and sagging. To keep skin firm and smooth, make sure you check the sugar content of products and cut down on sugary foods.
Stop smoking
Smoking is not only notoriously bad for our health and a major cause of cancer and heart disease, it can also be disastrous for your appearance. Cigarette smoke can irritate the skin and deprive it of oxygen and nutrients, while the act of smoking can cause wrinkles to appear around the mouth. If you are a smoker, one of the best things you can do for your appearance and health is to try to break the habit now. Gimana yach.. rokok itu kan addictive, jadi kalo sudah kebiasaan merokok selama bertahun2 pasti susah ngilangin habit merokok, maybe cut down the amount aja kali yach...misalnya sehari biasa kena 3 bungkus rokok dikurangi jadi 2 bungkus sehari,..gitu.. itu juga kalo bisa yach.. gak maksa loh.. kan this is just a suggestion.. take it or leave it.. no offense..
Keep skin well hydrated
In order to keep your skin supple and smooth, it is essential to keep it hydrated both inside and out. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain your skin’s moisture levels, and eat foods such as fruit and vegetables which have a high water content. To moisturise the skin from the outside, use a moisturiser suitable for your skin type or hydrating oils such as vitamin E, avocado or almond oil. Also, it may be worth getting a humidifier to counteract the drying effects of central heating and air conditioning.
In order to keep your skin supple and smooth, it is essential to keep it hydrated both inside and out. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain your skin’s moisture levels, and eat foods such as fruit and vegetables which have a high water content. To moisturise the skin from the outside, use a moisturiser suitable for your skin type or hydrating oils such as vitamin E, avocado or almond oil. Also, it may be worth getting a humidifier to counteract the drying effects of central heating and air conditioning.
Get your eyes tested
The area around your eyes can be one of the first places to display signs of ageing such as fine lines and crow’s feet, and these can be exacerbated by unconscious frowning or squinting caused by poor eyesight. If you find yourself regularly squinting to see better, it is important for both your health and appearance to get your eyes checked and invest in some glasses or contact lenses if required.
The area around your eyes can be one of the first places to display signs of ageing such as fine lines and crow’s feet, and these can be exacerbated by unconscious frowning or squinting caused by poor eyesight. If you find yourself regularly squinting to see better, it is important for both your health and appearance to get your eyes checked and invest in some glasses or contact lenses if required.
Eat wrinkle-busting foods
To help ward off wrinkles, try to eat a diet full of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help to keep skin supple and nourished from within, preventing dehydration and dryness, while antioxidants help fight against the free radicals that cause wrinkles. Good foods to stock up on include oily fish, flax seeds and antioxidant-rich berries. Spinach is also a good source of lutein, which recent research has shown can prevent wrinkles by helping to retain the skin's moisture and elasticity, increasing lipid levels and preventing damage caused by free radicals.
Avoid stress
You might not think that your state of mind has much to do with the state of your appearance, but this is not the case. In fact, a study has shown that chronic stress can actually accelerate cellular ageing, leading to wrinkles. To help keep your skin wrinkle-free, try experimenting with some stress-busting techniques to help cope with stressful situations, such as meditation, exercise or yoga.
You might not think that your state of mind has much to do with the state of your appearance, but this is not the case. In fact, a study has shown that chronic stress can actually accelerate cellular ageing, leading to wrinkles. To help keep your skin wrinkle-free, try experimenting with some stress-busting techniques to help cope with stressful situations, such as meditation, exercise or yoga.
Kenali jenis wajah kamu ...
(wide forehead and cheekbones; narrow chin)
OVAL FACE Almost any style works for oval face. Experiment with the latest looks, such as wraparounds or shields. Square shaped frames with gently rounded edges Frame suggestions : Any frame shape | |
ROUND FACE Frames should make the face appear longer and thinner. In general, look for frames equal to or slightly wider than the broadest part of the face. Minimize the curves and add definition with soft, angular, rectangular styles or double brow styles. Higher temples will create a longer profile. Sunglasses with brow bars also pull the eye upward, making the face appear longer. Frame suggestions : Wider frames with angular / rectangular styles | |
DIAMOND FACE This face shape has wide or high cheekbones with a narrow forehead and chin. Oval sunglasses will soften the contour of the face, although softly curved square frames will work as well. Make sure the styles are no wider than the top of the cheekbones. Frame suggestions : Oval, Square | |
SQUARED FACE This face shape consists of a strong jawline, a broad forehead and wide cheekbones. Reduce the angles with soft, curvy styles that will give the face some definition such as cat-eye styles. The classic ovals also works well for this face shape. Frame suggestions : Oval or Round, Oval, Cat Eyes | |
OBLONG FACE Widen and shorten the face with sunglass styles that do not extend beyond the widest part of the face. Round or square shapes will look great on this face. Frames with short horizontal and long vertical lines also work. Decorative or contrasting temples add width to the face. Frame suggestions : Round, Square | |
TRIANGLE-SHAPED FACE This face has a narrow jaw and a wide forehead. Soften the lower portion of the face by accenting the eye area. Styles such as cat-eyes should angle outward at the top corner and be wide enough to balance the jawline. You can also try metal frames with rimless bottom. Frame suggestions : Frames with a traight top line, Cat-eyes |
Rabu, 12 Juni 2013
Tempat facial di jakarta | Facial di jakarta
Temenku dateng dari luar kota, eh.. ujung2nya ngajak facial bareng.. secera diriku mukanya udah halus.. waduh boong banged.. gak dech.. aku pernah sekali facial waktu masih sma, skrg jarang bgt facial bisa dibilang aku facial tiap 6 tahun sekali ha ha ha.
Reccomend tempat2 buat facial di jakarta
1. Natasha skin care - http://www.natasha-skin.com
Perawatan di natasha harganya variasi tergantung kulitnya biasanya mulai dari 200ribuan
Natasha Facial Oksigen Botanical, Natasha Skin Facial, Natasha Peel, Natasha Diamond Peel, Natasha Radio Frekuensi, Natasha Wet Diamond Peel, Natasha Jet Peel, Natasha Mesotherapy,Natasha , esotherapy Modern (Meso without Needle), Natasha Mesobody, Natasha Filler,Natasha BotoxNatasha Anti Oxidant Injection,Natasha Photodinamic Therapy,Natasha Intense Pulse Light Plus
Natasha MTS (Micro Needle Therapy System),Natasha AAPE STEM CELL (Advanced Adipose-derived stem cell Protein Extract),Natasha PRP (Platellet Rich Plasma),Natasha Laser Pigmen,Natasha Laser Peel
Natasha Laser Vasculer,Natasha Laser CO2,Natasha Laser CO2 Fractional,Natasha Laser Hair Removal
Natasha Laser Gentle Yag,Natasha Laser Dual Yellow
alamat natasha skin care DKI Jakarta
- Jakarta Wijaya : Jl. Wijaya II No. 48, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.Telp(021)7207924,7396073- Jakarta Kelapa Gading : Jl.Boulervard Raya Blok We No. D&E, Kelapa Gading,Jakarta Utara. Telp(021)4514844,4514845
- Jakarta BSD: Ruko Golden Boulervard Blok E No.2-3 BSD,Jl.Pahlawan Seribu, Tangerang.Telp(021)53160801,53160802
- Jakarta Mall Taman Anggrek: Mall Taman Anggrek Lt.1 T10-T11,Jl.Letjend S Parman, Jakarta Barat. Telp(021)5609760,5609761
- Jakarta Bintaro: Jl.Bintaro Utama III Blok AP No.74 Jakarta Selatan. Telp(021)7378625,7370465
- Jakarta Pluit: Emporium Pluit Mall Kompleks CBD Pluit Blok S No.6, 2nd Floor
No.2-3, Jl.Pluit Selatan Raya No.1, Jakarta Utara. Telp(021) 66676610,
- Jakarta Senayan City: Senayan City Lower Ground Unit L-05 Jl.Asia Afrika Lot No.19, Jakarta.Telp(021)72782340,72782341
- Jakarta MOI: Mall Of Indonesia Lt.2 No.F1&F2 Kelapa Gading Square , Jl.Boulevard Baray Raya, Jakarta Utara. Telp(021)45867971,45867972
- Depok : Margo City Mall FL.1-39,Jl.Margonda Raya No.358,Depok.Telp(021)78871071,78871072
- Cibubur: Jl.Alternatif No.37 Ruko C & D, Cibubur.Telp(021)84312778,84312779
- Bekasi : Jl.KH Noer Ali No.27A-27B Kayuringin,Bekasi.Telp(021)88856051,88856052
-Cikarang : Mall Lippo Cikarang Lt.1 No.31A,Jl.MH Thamrin Lippo Cikarang,bekasi.Telp(021)89907481,89905496
- Jakarta Kuningan City: Kuningan City,Shop Unit 1-01 & 01-60,Jl Prof Satrio,Jakarta Selatan.Telp(021)30480790,30480791
2. London beauty centre, coba cek ke www.londonbeautycentre.com
Bintaro, RUKAN BINTARO BLOK D NO 46 TANGERANG Telp. 021 7375868-69
Barito , JL.BARITO II NO.3 BLOK A/1 JAK-SEL - Telp. 021-7246151,7246162
Cikarang - Ruko Arcadia E-28 H&I, Lipo Cikarang - Telp. 021-89905052, 89905053
Green Mansion , JL. DAAN MOGOT RAYA RUKO GREEN MANSION -Telp. 021-29025251
Kelapa gading - JL, BOULEVARD RAYA BLOK DF NO 7A, KELAPA GADING, 021-4531533
Telp. 021-4531533
Telp. 021-4531533
perawatan tersedia: Mesotheraphy - LBC MESO-Without Needle- LBC Light Therapy- - LBC Microdermabrsion- LBC OXY-Skin- LBC Microcurrent - LBC Lifting- LBC Hi-Fruit Acid Peel & Beauty Peel - Super Peel- Skin Peel of Mask- LBC Body Whitening
Tempat2 lainnya: Martha tilaar, Erha, dr titi moertolo, evitderma, Miracle,Esthetic Melrose, Sifa aesthetic, Inasa Clinic, Ovela Clinic, Shiseido, Puri Santi Spa Jakarta, Senopati Skin CenterKamis, 06 Juni 2013
Trend rambut pendek sebahu
Rambutku dah panjang banget.. udah hampir semata kaki.. huaalahh lebay... aslinya ujungnya dan nyampe tulang belakang paling bawah.. puanjaang.. abis males ke salon.. bingung nyari ide ... pengennya sich rambut pendek tapi kalo rambut pendek cuma itu2 aja... tadinya rambutku digaya segi terus dibiarin ampe puaaaanjaaang banget.. sekarang pengen pendek ga cepak2 amat pengen pendek sebahu dech...
biar ada perubahan gaya, aku pengen punya rambut pendek juga bisa dibikin bergaya modis, cantik, sexy, fresh look dan simple...
koleksi selebriti dunia dgn rambut pendek tetep bergaya... dipajang dulu biar ntar berani kesalon potong pendek.. biar ada inspirasi maunya ntar gaya kaya apa...

biar ada perubahan gaya, aku pengen punya rambut pendek juga bisa dibikin bergaya modis, cantik, sexy, fresh look dan simple...
koleksi selebriti dunia dgn rambut pendek tetep bergaya... dipajang dulu biar ntar berani kesalon potong pendek.. biar ada inspirasi maunya ntar gaya kaya apa...
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Dianna Agron, aktris pemeran di film Glee |
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