Pilih Kost bebas daerah kota

Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

KOST-an di Gunung Batu BOGOR

KOST-an di Gunung Batu BOGOR

Terima Kost pinggir jalan..
Jl. Raya Loji No 155 Gunung Batu, Kodya Bogor Barat (4km dr Istana Kebun Raya)

*Keamanan Terjamin, listrik, air, tempat tidur, lemari, meja belajar, karpet, dapur, 4 kamar mandi, ruang tamu, teras, taman, parkir hingga 6 mobil..
*Kamar 3x3 meter, ada 7 kamar..
*Akses angkot trayek 02, 03, 05, dan 15..
*Rp 300.000/Bulan

0816 1951 937

Kost Putri di Bogor

Kost putri/mahasiswi

Lokasi: Jl Panataran No 2, Komp. Cimanggu Permai I, Jl H.Soleh Iskandar BOGOR.
Dekat Kampus UIK, Yogya Dep Store.

Fasilitas: tmp tidur, lemari, dapur, PAM, listrik, pembantu

Hub: Ibu Mar. 0811-111090

Info Bandung | Daftar Rumah Kos Kost an Bandung - Info Kos Bandung

Info Bandung | Daftar Rumah Kos Kost an Bandung - Info Kos Bandung

Rumah Kos Kost an Bandung

Buat rekan-rekan pemilik/pengelola kos kost an di bandung yang ingin masukin.. silahkan aja masang di kolom komentar ini. Secara periodik data kost-kost-an akan kami pindahkan ke Info Rumah Kost Mahasiswa Bandung A-Z
Biar seragam format penulisan berikut :

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Rabu, 22 September 2010

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

What is BPKM in Indonesia?

About BPKM
Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) of Indoneia Investment Coordinating Board website.

If you intent to invest in Indonesia or just looking for information you can visit this official website.
BKPM is an investment service agency of the Indonesian Government created with the purpose to effectively implement the enactment of law on foreign as well as domestic investment. At the time, BKPM is a non-departmental government agency serving under and directly responsible to the President of the Republic of Indonesia. BKPM is chaired by Head of BKPM. For the period of 2005-2009 this agency is chaired by Mr. Muhammad Lutfi.


BKPM main function is to implement the government mission in the field of investment. In order to carry out its main function, BKPM performs the following duties:

1. To assess and formulate national investment policy;

2. To coordinate and perform investment promotion;

3. To coordinate functional activities in performing its activities;

4. To coordinate the development of investment activities among government institutions;

5. To carry out managerial services in planning, administration, organization, personnel, financial, archive, encoding, supplies and logistic;

6. Authority.

 Check out their website on www.bkpm.go.id